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Give Warmth this Winter
It's hard to imagine hundreds of thousands of people across Long Island and NYC struggling to stay warm in the winter - but that's the harsh reality. From the homeless forced to sleep out in the streets, or senior citizens who can't afford heating oil, or the child who doesn't have a winter coat or gloves; shivering days and nights are a reality for far too many in our community.
But you can help change that. You care enough to be reading this page - so Community Solidarity is here to help you end this injustice. There are lots of ways you help. You can organize a blank drive, you can volunteer to feed those in need, or donate funds to provide winter coats. Just signup below to get started.
You can bring blankets, clothing, sleeping bags, gloves, and donations directly to any of these locations &
You'll help give warmth this winter!
See us in action
Community Solidarity Food Shares are essentially free outdoor grocery stores where anyone in need can get most, if not all, of the groceries they need for the week. Anyone can come for food and anyone can come to volunteer.
Where to start?
Signup below and use these tips to start your own winter clothing drive.
Organize your own winter clothing drive and bring what you collect to one of our Food Share locations is a great way to help. If you're in an office you can reach out to the people you work with. If you're in school reach out to your fellow students. Belong to a house of worship? You can reach out there as well. You can simply let your friends know that you're collecting items to bring to one of our food shares on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. We accept new and used winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves, blankets, and sleeping bags.
We bet that if you put the word out, you'll get a big bag worthy of goods that can help others.
Even in the harshest weather parents come to us for help,
Here's your chance to help them!

Want to get more involved?
There are two buttons below. One is an RSVP for this event on Facebook. You can help us by sharing this with your friends, and commenting on any items you're planning to bring and to which share. Let's use teamwork to help those in need!
The second button will take you to the bottom of this page where you can signup for our winter drive. By signing up you'll be able to maximize your impact this winter!