Farmingville Food Share | Community Solidarity

Get free groceries, clothing and support at the

Farmingville Food Share

The Community Solidarity Farmingville Food Share was created to help struggling families in Brookhaven Township overcome hunger and systemic racial tensions; tensions which plagued the community for nearly two decades. Documented in the award-winning film bearing the same name, Farmingville, was an extremely divided community made famous by violence directed at its growing population of immigrants. These divisions were the motivation for Community Solidarity to start our Farmingville Food Share in June of 2009.

Our goal was to help struggling families in the area and bring people of different backgrounds together. Community Solidarity is about neighbors helping neighbors; that's what we aimed to create in Farmingville. Over time, neighbors, who may have never actually talked to one another, started to help each other out.  

There was an Italian family that began organizing a school supply drive that helped their Ecuadorian neighbors. There was a family from Honduras that organized a clothing drive which helped their Polish neighbors. The Korean grandmother grew cucumbers that helped feed the Nigerian immigrant who just came to his first share.    

People started helping one another and Community Solidarity's Farmingville Food Share flourished into what it is today.

Tens of thousands of pounds of organic produce and vegetarian groceries are shared every Thursday night with hundreds of people who join us every Thursday night at 7 pm for this very special Food Share. All are welcome, all are supported, we do not discriminate because we're all the same. We are here for all.    

As with all Community Solidarity Food Shares, all people are welcome to come for groceries or to volunteer. No paperwork or documentation required. Food is a right, for all people. 

How do I get food?

As with all Community Solidarity Food Shares you just need to show up. No documentation or paperwork is required, just your respect for the community. Simply stated, bring a few bags and we'll fill them up. 

The Community Solidarity Farmingville Food Share happens every Thursday at 7 pm at the intersection of Horseblock Rd. and Woodycrest Dr. regardless of holidays or the weather. Through hurricanes, blizzards and countless rainy afternoons, we've never missed a single Thursday. We'll always be there if you need groceries or clothing.  

We strongly encourage volunteers to get to the share at 7 pm to help set up the distribution which starts up at 8:00 pm. If you're just coming for groceries we recommend that you come closer to 7:45 pm since there is no benefit in arriving too early. 

Spanning across the whole of Triangle Park the Farmingville Food Share is a free grocery store. A large bakery section with fresh bread and pastries sits at the northern end of the park. Moving southerly through the park sits a large produce section with 6 fast moving lines where you can get fresh fruits and vegetables. These lines are followed by lines for perishable items, non-perishable items, and clothing.  

We only distribute vegetarian groceries. Focusing on organic produce, whole-grain bread, and healthier non-perishable items, our aim is to promote a more nutritious and compassionate diet for all who come. You'll get most, if not all, of the groceries they need for their week and lunch is available on site. 


The Farmingville Food Share takes place every Thursday at 7 pm at the intersection of Horseblock Rd. & Woodycrest Dr. in Farmingville, NY. 

Enter a Starting Address:

Directions by Train

Via Patchogue Rail Road Station - Take the LIRR to the Patchogue Rail Road Station. From station house walk East (approximately 1-2 blocks) to West Avenue. Turn right onto West Avenue and walk North approximately 2 blocks to the intersection of South St. and West Ave. Take the s63 Northbound bus service. Follow p://">s63 bus directions below.

Via Medford Rail Road Station- Take the LIRR to the Medford Rail Road Station. Walk from the station house East approximately 1 block to Medford Rd. Turn right onto Medford Rd. and walk South (about 4-5 blocks) to Jamaica Ave. Take the s61 bus Southbound to the Patchogue Rail Road Station. Follow the above directions from the Patchogue Rail Road Station

Directions by Bus

Take s63 to Horseblock rd. & Woodycrest dr. walk one block east on Horseblock. The Food Share is located on the northern side of Horseblock rd. at the intersection of Woodycrest dr. At the triangular traffic island.

Directions by Car

From either Eastern or Western Long Island, take the L.I.E. (I-495) to exit 63 (Ocean Ave). Turn north onto County Rte-83/N Ocean Ave. Turn left onto County Rte-16/Horseblock Rd. Stop at Horseblock Rd. & Woodycrest dr. All people coming by car are required to adhere to our parking guidelines. 

I'm coming by car, where do I park?

Community Solidarity Hempstead Food Share Parking Map

If you're coming to the Farmingville Food Share with a vehicle it's extremely important to adhere to our parking regulations. Please make sure to park legally in any area outside the zones labeled red in the map above. These areas are off limits because we're trying to prevent congestion and reduce the risk of traffic accidents. 

If you need assistance carrying the food, or other items, you receive to your vehicle just ask our volunteers and they will be more than happy to help. 

How can I volunteer?

Easy, just show up! The best way to get involved is to just show up any Thursday you'd like at 7 pm. You'll see fellow volunteers unloading trucks filled with food and setting up folding tables. Let them know you want to help and they'll put you right to work.

If you want to get more engaged before you show up we recommend that you fill out our Volunteer Interest Form by clicking here. Doing so will give us a better idea of your interests and where we can best utilize you. Plus, we'll add you to our mailing list so you can stay up-to-date on all the happenings of the Community Solidarity Farmingville Food Share! 

Newsletter Signup, Get Involved

Upcoming Food Shares
Community Solidarity Huntington Food Share logo 2
The Community Solidarity Farmingville Food Shares shares free vegan groceries with the hungry on Long Island
The Community Solidarity Wyandanch Food Shares shares free vegan groceries with the hungry on Long Island
The Community Solidarity BedStuy Food Share shares free vegan groceries with the hungry on Long Island
Community Solidarity Hempstead Food Share logo

Saturdays @3pm